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The AEP is just around the corner, and the competition is relentless. But what if you could step ahead of the crowd with Pre-Set Appointments, ensuring you're meeting with qualified prospects anxious to discuss their Medicare options?

Medicare Agents...
Be An AEP SuperStar (100+ Apps)

AEP Coaching Program

The response to the AEP Coaching Program has been overwhelming and we are all excited about everyone doing at least 100 Extra Enrollments this upcoming AEP with guidance and directions from the AEP Coaching Program.

The marketing tools, which we are keeping under wraps, that you receive as a Participant/ Team Member is estimated to be valued at over $500 and the 25+ hours of Coaching Calls comes to $2500+ meaning the total value of the AEP Coaching Program is OVER $3,000.

Not a bad investment when your return of 100 Extra Enrollments equals more than $31,000+ in commissions.

But as you can already guess the cost of the AEP Coaching Program, which starts in the coming week, is nowhere near $3,000. As a matter of fact it's at NO CHARGE for Members, we want you to be a part of this exciting program no matter what kind of financial condition you may currently be in.

This year's AEP will be like no other AEP that we have seen since 2008 due to all of the changes coming. We know that the AEP Coaching Program will be the difference maker for you this year and create more opportunities than you have ever had, if you have the tools and knowledge to take advantage of it and that is the reason for joining us and the AEP Coaching Program!

Welcome Aboard,

Dennis K. Thomas, Program Manager

Medicare Agent's Coach

Helpline: 888.874.5939

~   Previous Email   ~

Happy Friday,

We Have Some Great News For Everyone. We have been asked to do an AEP Coaching Program for this AEP and I'm happy to say that I have been able to rearrange time on my calendar to make it happen for you!

I'm Pumped For This Program, It's Going To Be Amazing & Very, Very Productive For Those That Want To Do At Least 100+ Enrollments This AEP...


* What I (The Coach) Will Provide:

* Knowledge...
30 years in the business, have coached new and seasoned agents to become super stars on a regular basis, year after year! I know what works and what doesn't...

* Experience...
Over 20 years as a Personal Coach to Stock Brokers, Real Estate Brokers, Insurance Brokers. Current Coaching Clients do an average of approx 30 Enrollments per month and approx 150 Enrollments during AEPs.

* Willingness to Spend The Time Needed...
AEP starts Oct 15th and ends Dec 7th - this AEP Coaching Program will run from September to Dec 8th.

* AEP Coaching Program Tools Available...
Attendees will be provided with Websites, Prospects, Marketing Tools & Tips, 25+ hours of Coaching, Unbelievable Guest Speakers are also scheduled, etc.

* AEP Coaching Program Calls...
AEP Coaching Program Calls will be recorded if unable to attend, attendence is recommended for best results. There will be 2 coaching calls per week. Time will be provided for Q & A on each call.

* Coaching Style...
Positive, Motivational, Treats Everyone as a Team Member, gives direction, suggestions, game planning, etc.

* Goal for AEP Coaching Program Team Members...
Our goal is a minimum of 100 Enrollments, for each attendee, over approx 8 weeks of AEP. Together we can make that happen if not more, very realistic and doable with the correct guidance!

* AEP Coaching Program Cost...
My regular Personal Coaching Fee is $125 per hour, minimum 1 hour per week, 6 weeks minimum. With this AEP Coaching Program, your cost has been greatly reduced to NO CHARGE for Members...

* What I Expect From You (Upcoming AEP SuperStar):

* Willingness & Desire to Succeed
* Ability to Be Coachable
* Politeness to Team Members On Calls
* Willingness to Share With Team
* Ability to Think Outside The Box
* Desire to Learn New Techniques
* Attend Coaching Calls When Possible
* A Can Do Attitude, Positive Behavior

No Contracting Requirements, No Switching of Contracts, Carriers or Switching of FMO's, IMO's, Etc. Is Needed Or Wanted & No Requirement To Contract With Any Specific Agency. The AEP Coaching Program Is A Stand Alone Medicare Agent's Program That Can Be Used By Either Captive OR Independent Insurance Professionals.

I don't want ANY Agent to miss out on the AEP Coaching Program as your Book (Insurance Book) may depend on it!

This Is Exciting, I'm looking forward to working with you. It's going to be a Great AEP... See You At The Top!